Hailing from Squamish BC, LoamLab is currently a team of just one.
With a 30 year long mountain bike habit and many years doing CAD design, the decision to start LoamLab was, in hindsight, inevitable.
While cutting my teeth in the Rocky Mountains, racing DH for seven years in Australia, settling in Squamish in 2009 and grabbing a Guinness World Record on the Mount 7 Psychosis course in 2014, I've pushed several bikes and far too many bones past breaking point. Along the way I've had a few ideas come and go.
The final catalyst was landing in the Whistler Clinic with a broken 5th metacarpal, joining two other riders with the same injury, all staring down the barrel of 6 weeks off the bike in prime riding season. So I decided the Counterpunch, an idea simmering for 15 years, needed to see the light of day. And after spending too long doing CAD design on far less personal projects, I now have a place to bring other ideas to reality, some of which you see here and some that may come in the future.
So if you made it this far, welcome and thanks. See you on the trails.
Mark Haimes